Alfred East : Lyrical Landscape Painter
Paul Johnson
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Alfred East was the most significant figure in English landscape painting in the decades before the First World War, following in the direct line of Constable and Turner. And yet there has never been a full biography.
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- Titre(s)
- Alfred EastLyrical Landscape Painter
- Auteur(s)
- Paul Johnson (Auteur)Kenneth McConkey (Auteur)
- Collation
- 1 vol. (144 p.) ; ill. en noir et en coul. ; 27 cm
- Année
- 2009
- Sujet(s)
- East : Alfred : 1844-1913
- Indice
- Iles britaniques, Angleterre
- Genre
- XIXèmeSuisse
- Identifiant
- 1-906593-33-7
- Langue(s)
- anglais
- Notes
- Bio-bibliogr. p. 137-138
- Résumé
- Alfred East was the most significant figure in English landscape painting in the decades before the First World War, following in the direct line of Constable and Turner. And yet there has never been a full biography.
- Editeur(s)
- Sansom && company
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