Abdrashid Sydykhanov
cab : 000004192401
Année : 1995
Auteur : R.Kopbosinova
Description : A. Sydykhanov sydykhanov 2was born in 1937 in the village of Kulagina in the Kulagino Gurevsk region. In 1965 he graduated from the Nikolai Gogol Alma-Ata School of Art. He began actively concentrating on creative pursuits in the mid-1960s. For the following nearly 25 years Sydykhanov worked as an Art Director in the «Kazfilm» studios. He created designs for several well-known films, including «Karash-Karash» (1968), «Kulager» (1971), «Lyubimaya» (1975) and others. Sydykhanov’s work from the second half of the 1970s and the 1980s is distinguished by its energy and expressiveness. When commenting on this period of his career the artist said, «What I’m drawing now, it’s my identity freed from the confines of school.» One of the most meaningful transitions for Sydykhanov’s artwork took place at the end of the 1980s, when he stepped into the limelight with his new conception of artistic expression. The tanba, an ancient ancestral symbol of the Kazakh people, was key to the new direction in his painting. sydykhanov 3Sydykhanov’s paintings are characterized by an unusual multiplicity and tactility of painterly textures. His creations are woven from the sharpness of human emotions, uniting ancestral wisdom with the frenetic energy of his modern life. Sydykhanov’s paintings have been exhibited in many different countries, and he was one of the first artists whose works were displayed in the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.. In his strikingly powerful artwork, Sydykhanov strives to overcome the inertia of consciousness, to break stereotypes, and achieve the impossible, composing his own «eternal melody» of goodness and beauty. A. Sydykhanov’s works are located in state and private collections throughout Kazakhstan and abroad. A catalogue of the artist’s work will also be released at the opening of the exhibition. Amir Jandaibaev - сurator