Écrit sur l'Europe n° 2

ISBN : 978-2-7291-0879-3
cab : 000004498401
Année : 1994
Auteur : Denis de Rougemont
Description : Extrait : Le precision est un exercice intellectuel a deux temps alternes : elan et freinage. L'imagination debridee court vers l'avenir dans le sens de nos desirs ou de nos craintes. selon notre temperament. La memoire aussitot la bride par le rappel d'echecs ou de succes anciens. Ainsi comme un voilier tirant des bords par vent debout essayons d'avancer dans l'inconnu que nous decouvrirons en l'inventant. et qui peut-etre nous transormera. mais dans la mesure ou nous l'aurons forme.

Écrit sur l'Europe n° 1

ISBN : 978-2-7291-0878-6
cab : 1004610000015
Année : 1994
Auteur : Denis de Rougemont
Description : This work is dedicated to a prospective analysis of the work of Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985), Swiss thinker and francophone writer, which had a profound impact in the last century in the personalist movement, in regional thinking and, above all, the value of a European federal project. Through the reading of his work and other essays and theses on the Swiss thinker we propose to do a comprehensive survey of three dimensions of Rougemont’s thought: regionalism, Europeanism and federalism. Among the various areas of thought to which Rougemont dedicated himself, the three aforementioned dimensions will shape an original conceptual framework that understand federalism as a response to European challenges. For a better understanding of the Swiss writer’s structure and thought we draw a brief outline of the man and his context and the profound influence of personalism and Christianity in his literary production and intellectual legacy. Relying on his vast work, we observe how the region will become a space of living communities, as opposed to the nation-state that is clearly inadequate, and even an obstacle to the implementation of a federal Europe. We look also for the federalist ideal advocated by Rougemont, which applies to Europe - an obvious continent seen from the outside - and the original way that he propose to reconcile different realities with the common goal to unite Europeans around a common project.